Blue Orb
Blue Orb

For Investors

Power the future with Blue Orb. We deliver impactful, profitable investments in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, driving growth and measurable change.

Blue Orb Addresses Challenges Of Both The Market, And Investors

Comprehensive Risk Management
Investor-Centric Solutions
Local Partnerships for Success

Our scuccess is guaranteed because we have all critical success factors covered.

Key Success Factors
Local Partnerships
Local Partnership

Long term partnership with developers with a track record of renewable projects.

All Permits In Place
All Permits In Place

All legal and regulatory licenses such as power concession and environmental license must be in place.

Strong Financial Metrics
Strong Financial Metrics

High margin EBITDA and Project IRRs

Long Term PPA Levels
Long Term PPA Levels

15-year PPAs are standard in all projects.

Above Average Levels of Solar Insolation
Above Average Levels of Solar Insolation

The expected capacity production factor on P90 basis is modeled to be 15 - 21%

Grid Connectivity
Grid Connectivity

All sites are close to the regional-grid and pre-connection licenses have been approved

We Analyze and Select The Right Projects

Detailed market analysis and savvy project selection makes our projects in emerging markets a very attractive investment

Strong relationships with local sponsors and off-takers
Selecting projects with lower LCOE and longer-term PPAs
Identify governments eager to approve due to U.N. incentives
Deploying DG solar energy is quick
Identifying markets with low taxes and higher incentives
High production locations (solar capacity factor)

Collaborate with Blue Orb!

From pioneering sustainable energy solutions to expanding investment opportunities, we’ve got the expertise to drive impactful growth. The results speak for themselves. Let’s develop together and build a greener future.